2022 Labor day activity calendar
Sept 3
4:00p: Candy bingo (please bring 3 pieces of candy to the basketball court
5:30p: Ice cream social (lower field)
7:30p: Movie night (lower field, popcorn will be provided bring a chair and drink)
Sept 4
9:30a: Scavenger Hunt for kids & adults.  Meet in the lower field (don't be late).
11:00a: Costume parade (starts in lower field)
12:30p: Claire's kitchen (hot dogs, chips and sodsa in front of cabin #9)
2:00p: Field games (lower field)
5:30p: DJ & musical chairs (please bring a chair to the lower field)
Evening: LCR tournament (bring $3 to play)

Please check back often as the calendar can change.

Pictures can be found on the Twitter site.